3D Printer Weekly Buzz: May 2024, Edition 3

3D Printer Weekly Buzz: May 2024, Edition 3

1. Revolutionizing 3D-Printed Metals with Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Enhanced Strength

Professor Changhong Ke from Binghamton University's Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science is exploring a novel approach to utilizing oxidation to strengthen additively manufactured metals, which are typically prone to failure in corrosive environments. Funded by a $150,000 NSF EAGER grant, Ke's research focuses on incorporating boron nitride nanotubes into 3D-printed aluminum. These nanotubes, commonly found in products like cosmetics and dental cement, could potentially make the aluminum self-strengthening in the presence of moisture and seawater.

Image Credit: Jonathan Cohen

 (Image Credit: Jonathan Cohen)

The innovative idea is to turn the typically detrimental process of oxidation into a reinforcing mechanism. Ke's team will employ high-resolution scanning electron microscopy to observe how oxidation affects the bond between nanotubes and metal, pulling individual nanotubes out of the oxidized metal to study the interactions. This process, described as a "sandwich structure," aims to reveal how oxidation could improve the metal's stiffness, strength, and toughness.

Collaborators from the University of Illinois will support the experimental findings with computational modeling. The ultimate goal is to shift the scientific perspective on metal oxidation, potentially revolutionizing material design for 3D-printed metals and enhancing U.S. manufacturing competitiveness.

2. MAMA BEAR Robot Achieves 75% Efficiency in Energy - Absorbing 3D-Printed Structures

A robot named MAMA BEAR, developed by a team at Boston University's College of Engineering, is using AI machine learning and 3D printing to create a shape with the most efficient energy-absorbing properties. The robot creates plastic structures, crushes them to measure energy absorption and changes in shape, records data in a database, and continues to improve its designs. The goal is to create structures that can efficiently absorb energy without causing damage to protected objects.

The current iteration of the robot has achieved a record-breaking 75% efficiency in energy absorption. The data collected is being used to inform the design of new helmet padding for US Army soldiers. The researchers plan to collaborate with scientists in various fields, continue improving their system, explore applications of the accumulated data, and work on recycling materials for more experiments.

3. Studio TOOJ's Contourage Table: Sustainable Design with 3D-Printed Sand Showcased in Milan

 Studio TOOJ unveiled the Contourage console table, a bright-blue, wood-grain patterned piece made from 3D-printed sand, at Milan design week, showcasing innovative and sustainable design methods.

 (Image source dezeen)

The Contourage table is made from 3D-printed sand using a binder jetting process, emphasizing sustainable design. Binder jetting involves layering locally sourced quartz sand with a liquid binder, building the object layer by layer. The binder is made from furan resin derived from biomass such as corn husks, rice hulls, and sugar cane. The table features a wood-grain pattern, created by strategic binder application, to give it an organic feel. The table is spray-painted bright blue, chosen for its calming effect and visual appeal against the sand grains. The sand can be reused after the table’s life ends, as the binder and epoxy can be burned out, allowing the sand to be recycled.

Inspired by the layered sets of theatre stages, the table was showcased at Milan design week as part of the "Restrained Beauty: The Unseen Layers of Scandinavian Design" exhibition.

4. Titania Quantum Dots Enhance Stability and Longevity of Resin 3D Prints Under Sunlight

Researchers from Carleton University and the University of Northern British Columbia have advanced resin 3D printing using titania quantum dots. Traditional photoinitiators in stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing are toxic, expensive, and unstable under sunlight, affecting the durability of printed parts. The study, published in Industrial Chemistry & Materials, reveals that titania quantum dots can initiate photopolymerization under UVC light without degrading under UVA light found in sunlight, enhancing the stability and longevity of 3D printed parts.

These quantum dots, produced through flame spray pyrolysis, are non-toxic and affordable, making them a superior alternative to conventional photoinitiators. The research demonstrated that parts printed with quantum dots retained their mechanical properties significantly better under prolonged UVA exposure compared to those made with traditional photoinitiators. This advancement opens up the possibility for more durable and stable 3D printed materials, addressing a significant issue in SLA printing. Additionally, the ability to control the sensitivity of these quantum dots to specific light wavelengths further improves the precision and quality of the 3D printing process. This research not only enhances the durability and performance of SLA 3D printed materials but also suggests broader applications for quantum dots in various photopolymerization processes.

5. University of Wisconsin-Madison Achieves 3D Printing RAM in Zero Gravity for Space Missions

On May 20, 2025, researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison achieved a groundbreaking milestone by 3D printing RAM devices in zero gravity, a first in space exploration. This advancement allows astronauts to print replacement parts in space, eliminating the need to return to Earth for repairs. Traditional 3D printing relies on gravity, but in zero gravity, this process poses challenges. The researchers developed electrohydrodynamic (EHD) printing, which uses electrical forces to extrude the filament through a 30-micrometer nozzle, overcoming the absence of gravity and allowing the creation of nanoscale patterns.

The team tested their technology through parabolic flights on the G-Force One jet, simulating zero-gravity conditions. Initially, engine vibrations disrupted the 3D printer's calibration sensors, but the team resolved this by modifying the code. Their successful tests produced various items using semiconducting and insulating inks. The project, led by Assistant Professor Hantang Qin, includes collaboration with Arizona State University, Iowa State University, Intel, and other partners. Future tests will aim to enhance the EHD 3D printer with multi-tool capabilities, progressing from single units to complete semiconducting devices, with plans to test the technology on the International Space Station.

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