Making Extra Income with a 3D Printer! 4 Money-Making Suggestions

A coin is being printed

While many users of 3D printers are hobbyists, there are also quite a few who hold the idea of using 3D printers to make money. In this article, we will introduce four carefully selected recommendations for monetizing. After reading this article, we hope that more 3D printer enthusiasts will seek to monetize and make the 3D printing world even more intriguing.


Table of Contents

1. Prerequisites for Monetizing with a 3D Printer
2. 4 Recommended Side Businesses Related to 3D Printing
    1) Creating and Selling Artwork with a 3D Printer
    2) Selling Modeled 3D Data
    3) Receiving Project Orders through Printing Substitution, etc.
    4) Spreading Professional Knowledge through Blogs, YouTube Videos, etc.
3. Recommended 3D Printers for Side Businesses [2024]
    1) FDM 3D Printer: Crelity Ender-3 v3 KE
4. Conclusion

    1. Prerequisites for Monetizing with a 3D Printer

    The process of developing models and producing products using a 3D printer involves planning, designing, production, and finishing. This workflow itself is no different from general industrial production. However, the fact that 3D printers can be used for single-unit production (batch production) is a significant advantage.

    However, monetizing solely from the data of 3D printers can be challenging.

    If you only aim to output 3D models that have already been published using a 3D printer, all 3D printer users can do this. Due to differences in technology and experience, there are variations in the quality of actual products, making it difficult to differentiate them as a business. Therefore, whether selling artwork or data, learning and mastering 3D modeling techniques to create distinctive 3D models is crucial.

    2. 4 Recommended Money-Making Methods Related to 3D Printers

    Let's examine the advantages and disadvantages of 4 recommended side businesses to see how easy it is to make money and how much you can earn.

    1) Creating and Selling Artwork with a 3D Printer

    1 Skull 3d Artwork

    One of the most common side businesses using a 3D printer is to print and sell your artwork. You can set prices for your 3D printed works on e-commerce websites and online stores to sell them to people worldwide.

    In addition to online selling platforms like Etsy and eBay, you can create your own online store using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. Of course, the following platforms are also good options:

    • Shapeways: An online marketplace focusing on 3D printing, providing a platform for designers and artists to showcase and sell their creative works. Through Shapeways, you can upload your designs to the platform for printing and shipping by Shapeways, along with global logistics services to quickly deliver your works to customers worldwide.
    • Pinshape: On Pinshape, you can showcase and sell your own 3D printed works, share design inspirations with global creative talents, and connect with users. Pinshape also offers a range of tools and resources to help you manage and promote your works.
    • Cults: On Cults, you can browse various types of 3D printed works and choose to sell your works on the platform. Cults provides a convenient sales platform to promote your works to more potential customers.

    By showcasing and selling your 3D printed works on these reputable online markets, you can promote your creativity more widely, attract more potential customers, and commercialize your works. Choose a platform that suits you to turn your creativity into business opportunities, gaining more market share and recognition.

    2) Selling Modeled 3D Data

    The two of them are discussing the 3d model design inside the computer.

    The next recommended side business is selling modeled 3D data. You can earn income by uploading 3D data to online platforms for people who want to use it to download. Typical platforms include Thingiverse and Cults.

    Advantages of "Selling Modeled 3D Data"

    • Start selling activities immediately as long as you have ideas
    • No need to operate the 3D printer itself, no inventory required
    • No material costs

    Disadvantages of "Selling Modeled 3D Data"

    • Creating eye-catching products requires a lot of learning and effort
    • Need to promote on platforms like SNS

    If you have a certain level of 3D modeling skills and sales ability to attract interest in your work, give it a try.

    3) Providing Printing Services, Receiving Project Orders

    3d printing

    This is a method of monetizing the 3D printing process by specializing in "production" and "shaping." In other words, it is receiving orders through methods like crowdsourcing to provide printing services for others. This demand can be met through platforms that receive orders like Fiverr, Coconala, and platforms that sell skills.

    The general operating process is as follows:

    a. Search for projects on the platform using keywords like "3D printer" and "3D modeling";
    b. Check project details and payment terms;
    c. Apply for a suitable project
    d. If accepted, you can start the corresponding work;
    e. Complete the work and receive payment.

      The projects you can apply for depend on clients (companies, etc.), and the content and quantity of projects vary by time. Of course, you can also create a homepage on the platform to introduce your strengths, skills to get more orders.

      The biggest advantage of this method is that you don't necessarily need to be able to do 3D modeling. If the 3D printer can produce "production" and "shaping" with high quality, theoretically it can be monetized. However, there are also many companies specializing in providing printing services, so individual players face intense competition.

      4) Spreading Professional Knowledge through Blogs, YouTube Videos

      A youtuber is shooting a video

      In today's digital age, the ways of knowledge dissemination have become more diverse and convenient. Utilizing platforms like blogs, YouTube videos, etc., to spread professional 3D printing knowledge has become a popular trend. Through these tools, you can share experiences, teaching techniques, and promote the development and popularization of 3D printing technology.


      By writing blog articles, delve into various 3D printing technologies, materials, application cases, attracting readers, and earning advertising revenue.

      Especially recommended for those with long-term experience in 3D printers, for those starting to use 3D printers now, or beginners unfamiliar with 3D printers, you can earn income by disseminating professional knowledge in the form of images and articles.


      In recent years, the number of YouTube channels related to 3D printers has increased, such as professional knowledge videos for beginners in 3D printing and videos introducing the latest models. There are many channels to introduce models as per the requirements of 3D printer brands, and it is not uncommon for videos to be viewed tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of times.

      Like blogs and notes, you need a certain number of videos to make money on YouTube. The key is whether you can continue to generate content without giving up until you increase the number of subscribers and profit from it. In addition to knowledge related to 3D printers, you also need video shooting, editing, SEO, and other skills.

      3. Recommended 3D Printers for Side Businesses

      "I'm interested in a side business with a 3D printer, but I don't have the equipment yet!"

      Next, based on the main types of 3D printers on the market and their applications, we will carefully select and introduce one model each from FDM types.

      FDM 3D Printer: Crelity Ender-3 v3 KE

      Recommended for use as a side business, the FDM (FFF) 3D printer we recommend here is the Crelity Ender-3 v3 KE. Introduced in the latter half of 2023, this model is inexpensive, very easy to assemble, suitable for beginners and experienced users alike.

      •  Maximum print speed of 500 mm/s
      •  Nozzle can withstand 300° high temperatures, compatible with various types of consumables
      •  Easy assembly, small footprint

      These features allow you to quickly start 3D printing in a short time. However, it's worth noting that if you want to do large-format printing, you may need larger models like the Creality K1 MAX, with a maximum print speed of 800 mm/s, which is ideal for large prints that usually take a long time.

      4. Conclusion

      After reading this article, I believe you now have a clearer understanding of how to make money with a 3D printer. In this field full of opportunities and challenges, daring to innovate, continuously learning, and flexibly applying various strategies and methods will help you achieve commercial success. Seize the opportunities, move forward bravely, and let 3D printing technology become your tool for making money!

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